Liquid Galaxy LAB Apps

TINYGS Data Visualization Tool
This is an application which display satellites and stationonLiquid Galaxy
Liquid Galaxy For Education 1.7
This application is an extended version from Liquid Galaxy App.
Simple CMS 1.0
Simple CMS is a storyboards creation and management systemforLiquid Galaxy.
Simple CMS E.S. 1.1
This is an app that creates animations and records thecurrentscenario of LG.
SatNOGS Visualization Tool 1.0.5
View satellites and ground stations information from theSatNOGSdatabase.
La Palma Volcano Tracking Tool 1.0.0
Volcanic Activities of La Palma visualized onto the Liquid Galaxy.
Image Satellite Visualizer 1.0.0
A image satellite visualizer for Liquid Galaxy
Liquid Galaxy Retro Gaming 1.0.0
A game manager for the games developed for the Liquid Galaxy
CropDoc 1.1
Analyze apple leaf samples to analyze them and control the plagues.
Laser Slides 1.0
OSC application for modifying OSC messages for youtlaserpresentations.
LG Space Chess 1
Play chess with your community against a strong AI located inasatellite.
Orbit Satellite Visualizer 1.0
Display space-related content on your Liquid Galaxy Platform
Liquid Galaxy Controller 1.2.3
This app controls a Liquid Galaxy Installation.
Reforestation Assistant Sim2 2.0.0
An app to help on reforestation of degraded areas by droneormanually
Arduino Controller App 1.0.0
This app is used to personalize navigation with somedevelopedcontrollers.
Homeless Aid Panoramic Interactive System
Asteroids LG Retro Gaming 1.0.1
Galaxy Asteroids game manager and controller.
BIM LG Visualizer 1.0.0
View BIM 3D models and metadatas on a Liquid Galaxy RIG
RAS 1.0.1
An app to help on reforestation of degraded areas by droneormanually
Rocket Launcher 1.0.0
SpaceX API is used for data of all launch, starlink thenvisualisesit on LG Rig
Smart City Dashboard 1.0.0
Visualize many available public data of various Smart CitiesthroughDashboards